August 29, 2009

white sangria

This recipe goes down easy. It is a great drink, espcially for a party on a hot day when everyone will be drinking this refresher like water. Cheers!

Fruits best for white sangria:
1 bunch (large handful) Green grapes
1-2 Ripe pears, sliced
2 ripe Peaches, sliced. No need to peel.
1 small Nectarine
2 light colored plums, sliced or diced. There are nice golden ones available.
1 Lemon, sliced. Whatever fruits you choose don't forget the one lemon.
1/2 cup sugar
1 bottle Sauvignon Blanc wine.
1 cup Cointreau or Grand Marnier
1 cup Citrus Vodka (you choose your favorite brand)
Optional: 1-Liter Club Soda

Put the fruit in the large pitcher. It takes up quite a bit of room so the largest pitcher will be best, or split it into two regular-sized pitchers.

Add 1/2 cup sugar and the bottle of Sauvignon Blanc wine.

Stir the wine and the sugar with the fruit. You want the sugar to dissolve.

Add the Cointreau or Grand Marnier and the Citrus Vodka. Stir again. This is where you stop if you want the stronger version. Try to make this 30 minutes ahead of the party so the flavors blend. For the lighter version add the club soda. Stir again and you're ready to rock.
